August 13, 2015

Sem 3 Mid-point Character

A simple character I made. Took me roughly.. 23 hours to fully create? (Sculpting, texturing, laying out the UVs, etc.) Not sure if the cameras did me justice. I still have to say though, characters are not my forte.

August 12, 2015

Semester 3 mid-point renders & Character Progress

1st(?) Pass renders on my building with some texture work finished, and progress img of my pants for a character i'm making. Character work is definitely not my forte though. X_X

Yes, I messed up the UVs on this one; going to have to figure a way to fix it because I stacked them ontop of each other.. :/

August 09, 2015

Semester 3 Work Progress

Quick Progress drop onto my blog; my current shack model which i'm currently working on..

And fooling around with the world displacement ended up giving me a very hairy wood. xD

August 06, 2015

Semester 3 character creation; destroying normals.

Ended up getting some bad normals on this model... planning to transfer it over to maya and unlock the normals there.. Isn't there a way I can do this in 3ds max? :/